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Student Council

Can you share valuable feedback about what needs to be improved at the University? Would you like to meet new people, influence positive change and have a genuine voice in representing students’ interests? Do you want to improve your CV and show prospective employers that you’re someone who gets involved and makes a difference?

If your answer is yes to any of these, then come along to our next Council meeting! All Edinburgh Napier students are welcome.

Council is where important student issues can be raised and discussed, decisions are made and policies are formed. It has an important role in supporting and challenging ENSA's Elected Officers (the Student President and two Co-Presidents) to represent the needs of all Edinburgh Napier University students.

Upcoming Student Council dates for 2024/25:

Wednesday 5 March, 2-4pm in Craiglockhart 2/17

We will be hosting a special edition of Student Council, in which all candidates will be invited to present their manifesto, tell students why they should vote for them, and answer questions from students, ENSA and their opponents. All Edinburgh Napier University students are welcome to attend and learn more about the candidates.

You can also attend online via Teams.

Join on Teams

Student Council exists to:

  • create and approve policies to be implemented by the Elected Officers
  • raise awareness of student issues, share insights and suggest improvements
  • address the collective concerns of students and charge Elective Officers with addressing those concerns
  • provide a pool of engaged, informed and active student representatives from which the Elected Officers may draw upon to assist with campaigns
  • hold the Student President and Co-Presidents to account for their work on behalf of Edinburgh Napier University students.

What’s in it for me?  

  • You get to let us know what changes you would like to see.
  • A chance to enhance your student experience and help ENSA to win improvements for students.
  • An opportunity to network and meet a wide range of like-minded students who care about their University experience.
  • A chance to take part in, or even lead, a student-focused campaign. 
  • An official certificate as evidence of participation if you attend at least 4 meetings – great for building your CV and impressing future employers!  


How is the council comprised?

The council is designed to represent the wide range of students at Edinburgh Napier including undergraduates, taught postgraduate and research students – those studying in Edinburgh and around the world.

Specifically, Council aims to be comprised of students from the following categories:

  • First year students, direct entrants and international students studying on Edinburgh campus-based programmes
  • Students studying online and those studying with Transnational Education (TNE) partners
  • Students studying on each of the three main campuses
  • Office-bearers in student societies
  • Office-bearers in sports clubs

For more information on the group, its remit and membership, please see the ENSA Constitution 2021, section 8.2 and Schedule 3 (ENSA 50).

More information

If you are interested and would like more information about Student Council, please get in touch with our Head of Representation and Leadership Development, Daniel Wright:

ENSA Student Council

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