Meet the Finalists
We are excited to announce the finalists for the 8-week Napier Project Management Challenge 2024/25, themed around sustainability.
Our students at Edinburgh Napier university are helping Scotland meet its 2045 NetZero target. Mid-report project submissions by the teams include:
- Climate education resources websites
- Sustainability app, where investors meet innovators of C02 reduction initiative
- Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment of vapes
- Bike sharing system from student accommodation to the university,
- Climate campaign on energy reduction, improvement of building energy performance
- Sustainability podcast and bimonthly talk show
- Website on household item donation and collection among students and staff.
We can’t wait for the project teams’ presentations at the Awards Night, coming in January 2025.
30 students | 10 judges | 1 aim for Sustainability
Team R&R
This team’s project focuses on environmental responsibility by encouraging the donation and reuse of household items, supporting the university’s sustainability goals and reducing waste. Through an online platform, students, staff, and the community can donate and collect usable item. Physical donation points across campuses to complement the platform, offering an alternative for in-person exchanges
Project objective
- Collection and redistribution of household items at Edinburgh Napier University
- Achieve waste in student accommodations
- Conduct educational workshop on sustainability
- Develop a website, to facilitating transactions and donations.
Achieved (In 4 weeks)
- Launched and active donation website
- Increased awareness by combining online promotions and physical on campus engagement with student, resulting in increased in donations.
Upcoming activities (Next 4 weeks)
- Educational workshop to be scheduled for the second half of the project. Plans already in place to ensure its successful delivery.

Team NetZero 2030
Aims to empower Scottish communities in achieving net zero emissions by 2045 through education, engagement, and technology. The initiative promotes climate action via sustainability competitions, university events, a digital marketplace (App) for green projects, and a multimedia platform for expert discussions, fostering grassroots innovation and knowledge-sharing.
Project objective
- Initiate secondary school sustainability challenge in Scotland
- Mobile App for Sustainability Projects, where innovators meet investors
- NatureTalk Show and Podcast,
- To launch sustainability website for engagement and awareness
Achieved (in 4 weeks)
- Launched website and established a branded project email (
- CarbonKonnect App MVP: First MVP have released on November 21, 2024. A Figma link provides a visual overview of the app design.
- Created social pages (Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn) for CarbonKonnect and Team NetZero2030, enhancing visibility and engagement.
- View the first episode of Nature Talk here.
Upcoming activities
- To organize Net Zero Innovation Conference at Edinburgh Napier University, December 5th, 2024.

Team NotCool
Smoking and vaping contribute to the degradation of air quality, harm the ozone layer, and have significant long-term health consequences. The project will produce a report on the environmental impacts of smoking and vaping, including a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Project objective
- Assess the contribution of smoking and vaping to air pollution Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Analyse Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of cigarettes and vapes
- Public awareness and campaign of how smoking and vaping hinder sustainability efforts
Achieved (in 4 weeks)
- Environmental Impact of Smoking and Vaping Infographics and Visual Elements that show how these habits affect air quality and the environment
- Launched “NOTCOOL” campaign in the Craiglockhart, Sighthill, and Merchiston campuses in addition to our social media strategy.
- Slogans and Hashtags: Using hashtags like “#NotCool” to encourage public participation and promote collective action against pollution.
Upcoming activities
- Carbon Footprint Data of Cigarettes and Vapes: Visual elements highlighting the life cycle of cigarettes and vapes, from production to disposal.
- Development of online learning resources and content to educate the public about the relationship between smoking/vaping and climate change.

Team Active Napier
Project aims to implement a bike sharing system across Edinburgh Napier University campuses to promote sustainability, enhance health and well-being, and improve transportation efficiency. The project will integrate an app-based system, allowing secure access, real-time tracking, and easy bike management for students and staff.
Project objective
- Cost-effective transportation
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Improve health and well-being
- Upscale to e-bikes
Achieved (4 weeks)
- sourced second-hand bikes through charities and personal contributions, aligning with environmental goals by promoting reuse
- pivoted from a complex app to GPS tracking devices on bikes, enabling data collection on journey times and distances. Providing essential usage data to inform future app development
- A targeted questionnaire gauged student interest, providing valuable feedback and identifying early adopters
Upcoming activities
- To calculate potential CO₂ savings from bike usage, demonstrating Active Napier’s value in promoting environmental sustainability.

Team Project 5
Project Is to shape the younger generation by educating them on Scotland NetZero target, government action and other groups. Ultimately increased awareness will result in behavioural changes towards sustainability
Project objective
- Sustainability Talk event in ENU 3 campuses
- Sustainability talk (online across created social platform)
Achieved (4weeks)
- We have established a comprehensive system for tracking progress
- completed communication plan and the development of Sustainability Talk materials.
- sample of a material have been posted within the campus
- successful completion of two sustainability talk In November, and more to go.
Upcoming activities
- Pursuance of the eco-friendly stores on campus

Team ER
The initiative seeks to increase knowledge of the significance of cutting energy use and moving towards low-carbon houses among property owners, tenants, and residents. The campaign will inform families about existing technology, energy-saving techniques, the advantages of switching to renewable energy, and emphasising the dangers of inaction.
Project objective
- Target include property owners, tenants, and residents.
- Awareness on improving building energy performance
- Inform about energy-saving techniques, existing technology and advantages of switching to renewable energy
Achieved (4 weeks)
- Survey conducted reveals that about 80% of respondent are interested in attending informative Webinar on energy reduction and savings.
- Webinar for energy reduction and savings has been scheduled for 23rd of November.
- We have designed and distributed infographic materials on energy reduction and savings techniques
Upcoming activities
- Ongoing deliberation for website design.
- Collaboration with CemVo Scotland (an NGO that support ethnic minority (EM) communities across Scotland) to deliver an insightful webinar for African Immigrants