Summer Events

Still going to be around Edinburgh for the Summer? We still have some events planned over the next few months


If you're going to be staying in Edinburgh over the summer months, stay in touch! We have a few events planned that you can take part in:

Thursday 30th May 2-4PM, Meadows Park:
Picnic in the Meadows ft. Friendship Bracelets Making

Bring your own snacks and drinks and make new friends while you make friendship bracelets (whether you're a Swiftie or not!) Supplies for friendship bracelets will be provided, but we ask that you bring your own blanket and any snacks and drinks.

You're welcome to bring friends or come alone.

We will be near the near the Prince Albert Victor Sundial. Free and open to all. Weather dependent, so keep an eye on our Instagram stories the day before and the day of.  

Thursday 20th June 2-4PM, Upper Apex Merchiston Campus:
Pride Banner Making

Going to Edinburgh Pride but don't have any fun flags or banners yet? Come along to our Pride craft session and make your own banner for Pride. Supplies will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Free and open to all. 

Saturday 22nd June from 12.30pm, meet at the Scottish Parliament:
Edinburgh Pride

Join a group of Napier and ENSA students and staff at Edinburgh Pride. Whether you're coming with friends and just want to pick up some free pride badges and get your face painted, or you're alone and looking to meet other Napier students to spend the afternoon with; come find us! We will be meeting at the Scottish Parliament, where the Pride March begins, wearing ENSA and Napier merch and holding a Napier banner, so you can't miss us :)

The official march starts at 1pm, with meetups being from 12.30pm. Napier will be there from 12pm (noon), so you're welcome to come earlier to meet more people. 

Find more information about Edinburgh Pride here.

Thursday 11th July 11am-12pm, Portobello Beach (meet by Prince of Wales Fountain):
Napier Beach Clean 

Are you passionate about tackling climate change and plastic waste? Join us for a group beach clean at Portobello. As part of Plastic Free July, we have organised a beach clean volunteer morning for Napier students and staff. 

We will be meeting by the Prince of Wales Fountain (by Straiton Place Park) on Portobello Beach, on Thursday July 11th at 11am.  

If you are keen to help, get more details and register to join the group.

Please register for free by no later than 2pm on Wednesday 10th July. 

Tuesday 13th August from 2pm, meet at Bristo Square:
Edinburgh Festival Crawl

Edinburgh is home to one of the greatest celebrations of arts and culture in the world, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Every August, artists and performers present shows on hundreds of stages all over the city. Venues can be anywhere, from existing theatres and concert halls to repurposed spaces like bars, parks, and cafes. 

If you would like to experience the Fringe but don't know where to start or who to go with, join us on 13 August at 2pm for a free crawl of Edinburgh Festival shows! We will aim to go to 2-3 comedy shows that are all free and walkable from our meeting point, Bristo Square.  

Some venues might have age restrictions, so please bring ID.  

Free ticket required - these will be available nearer the time.