Contact Us

About Us

Inclusive and diverse. We want players old and new. To try something incredible, whilst making friends for life. Making the university experience better.

ENUWR exists to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for anyone enrolled at ENU to participate in Women’s rugby and enjoy the physicality of it in a safe controlled environment whilst building relationships with teammates socially

Whether you are someone who wants to play for your university team, would like to rediscover your love for the sport, or wants to try something new. Napier Women's Rugby is for you. No experience is needed.

When do we train?
Monday 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Meggetland Sports Complex (Meggetland Sports Complex, 4 Meggetland Wynd, Edinburgh EH14 1XN)

For more information contact us on our social media channels or via email. See you at training!!!

Accessibility Information

Women's Rugby Accessibility