About Us

Students of any background or knowledge level welcome, whether to help out, learn something new, socialise, or to take part in making the university greener.

Our aim as a society will be to create a dedicated team of individuals who can help conserve precious ecosystems and biodiversity in Scotland. Also, to create an inviting space where anyone can learn and experience many aspects of conservation and wider environmental concepts.

The main attraction of this group will be the external journeys out with the inner city to a variety of volunteers sites, working closely with landowners and NGOs to benefit habitats of all kinds. In doing this, individuals should be able to meet many new people and create fantastic contacts in the world of Conservation, whilst having fun!

Between our adventures to volunteering sites across the country, we will be hosting smaller events too. Activities such as documentary screenings, external speakers, discussion based sessions, and socail events will be planned often to keep the society alive. Additionally, local conservation actions will be planned in Edinburgh to keep our events inclusive to busier folk. This could include litter picks, beach cleans, wild flower planting, work in the Lionsgate garden, and working with the university to aid the ecological value of our campuses. 

To Keep up to date with our latest events and news, we recommend following us on Facebook & Instagram. You can also join our Discord with the QR code below to engage with our online discussions and get a better understanding of our upcoming schedule.