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EvansName: Evans Kingsford Eghan
Running for: President for Societies & Community
Course: MSc. Marketing with Festival and Event Management
Year: Postgraduate
Matric: 40649774

Leadership is service to people. As a founder of an international short film festival in Ghana, moving to study at Napier as an international student in the field of festival and event management is a clear indication of my commitment to serve people and be a capacity enabler.

With experience as a student lay director, an international student ambassador and a program representative, I would create an inclusive atmosphere for the student community.

Edinburgh Napier Students Association (ENSA) has been brilliant as a holder of the student community for many years. When elected as president, we can achieve even more together.

When elected as president for ENSA, I aim at:

  • Fostering Community Building. Through the existing administrative mechanisms, I will introduce Junior Common Room (JCR) as a student leadership unit for the various accommodation facilities. Each accommodation facility (Hall) would have its own student executives' leadership that would create an inclusive experience (festivals and competitions) for its residents. I hope to provide access to all students to connect and develop at all levels.
  • Advocating for students for improved campus facilities and services including concerns about students parking spaces, affordable accommodation, and extended library hours on Craiglockhart campus.
  • Creating safe spaces to amplify the voices of minorities. Our diverse cultural identities, values and perspective makes us special. Through open communication channels, I will harness this in all decision making to create more inclusive experiences.
  • Noticing the need for inclusive experiences, I recently started Society of African Students with African Festival slated for 27th February 2024. I will expand these initiatives to empower the voices of students.
  • Collaborating with campus health service providers for students' mental health and wellbeing support.

I believe we would together build a community that feels like home and makes students feel empowered, engaged, and valued.

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